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CJT's Quick Access Mounts- Make life easier


The CJT TRIO is a combination of CJT mounting systems to support SGDs, Tablets, Environmental Controls, Eye Gaze Systems and Other Types of Assistive Technology Devices.

The TBO, ET Roller and ET Table Mount combine to become the ultimate evaluation support team!

The CJT TRIO consists of the ET Roller, ET Table Mount, and the TBO quick release mount. Together they provide all the mounting and positioning support you need during your AAC evaluation.  The CJT TRIO mounts can help you determine the best device, and the optimum access position for your client. By removing burden of you having to hold a device while trying to do an assessment you can now direct all of your attention to find the best device, and access position for your client. 

Each mount in the CJT TRIO work with all of the CJT adapters including the Matchmaker Adapters thus allowing you to attach any SGD, Tablet, Environmental Control, Eye Gaze System and various other AT Devices.

The CJT TRIO Features

The CJT ET Roller Features


The CJT TBO Features

The CJT Stand Features


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